Dancer and parent code of conduct
please read
Rise Performing Arts Center
Code of Conduct
For Parents:
Monthly Tuition:
Each month’s tuition is for 4 weeks of dance.
Holidays and closures including weather related are NOT included in the 4-week period. However, some months that have five weeks will not be charged extra and will even out any short or holiday months.
Payment is due, on or before the 10th of each month.
Arrangements can be made for special circumstances.
If a payment is missed, you will be required to place a 2nd form of payment on file, so in the event that you miss again, you will be charged.
We accept Cash, Check, Paypal, and Venmo, for payment And now offer autodraft.
Monthly tuition payments are NOT refundable. You are NOT financially committed to the entire year, but once the tuition is paid, it cannot be returned.
If you drop a class you must give one months notice before the next billing or your payment will still be due.
Scholarship students who do drop classes will be ineligible for scholarship in the future.
No call no show drops will be ineligible to take classes in the future.
Students will NOT be able to take class if their account is delinquent for more than 30 days.
A credit or debit card is required on file, and will be charged your full amount if more than 90 days overdue.
Attendance Policy:
As with any program, steady attendance is a requirement for success.
Guardians are responsible for communicating absences to the dance studio or instructor directly BEFORE class.
There are no refunds nor can missed classes be applied to subsequent months’ tuition.
If on scholarship a student can not miss more than one unexcused class
Non attendance recital week and dress rehearsal will result in a dancer being unable to perform unless there are extenuating circumstances
Advanced students who miss more than two classes unexcused may be moved down a level
Schedule Changes or Dropping Classes:
Instructors must be notified one month prior to changing a class schedule, or when discontinuing a class.
All fees are due until we are notified of any class being dropped.
No tuition can be refunded when dropping a class.
Addressing Issues:
Unfortunately, we do make mistakes. We welcome you as parents to bring those to our attention. We do ask that you use discretion as you address them with us. We ask that any conversations that are sensitive and private in matter be held while classes are not in session and are addressed to the instructor. If issues concern other parents or children, please do not address this issue at the studio. Please resolve the issue independently or make an appointment with the instructor to resolve the situation. Angry dialog, foul language and physical threats will not be tolerated. Parents and/or students who display this type of behavior may be asked to no longer participate in the classes at Rise Performing Arts Center. Please remember that these rules are for the safely and comfort of ALL dancers.
Studio Rules for Parents:
All young children must be supervised. No running, yelling or rough playing at the dance studio.
Students with behavioral issues such as not listening to instruction, disruption of class, leaving class, nonparticipation, running in class or misusing equipment will be asked to leave and their place given to a student on waiting list regardless of age. Young students may be asked to wait a semester, older students may be denied participation at the studio.
Help keep your studio clean and tidy. Please throw away all trash.
NO gossip, obscene language or inappropriate conversations by either parents or dancers.
Friends and family are welcome to observe class.
For Dancers:
Promptness is extremely important! *We know you have school and other activities to juggle so we understand when this is difficult and ask that you only try your best
Dancers need adequate time in order to be physically and mentally prepared for the demands of the dance class.
It is recommended that students arrive early in order to get a drink, go to the bathroom, get warmed up and be dressed properly.
IMPORTANT Dance Etiquette:
At our studios our primary goal is for your children to have fun while learning dance technique and strong work ethics. We expect all dancers to show respect to themselves, each other and all instructors. You will see our instructors enforcing the following rules.
Be prepared for class. Proper dress code is required for certain classes.
For Ballet:
Hair must be in an effective bun.
Required attire are pink ballet tights, any colored, appropriate leotard, and pink ballet shoes (boy’s either white or black).
Optional attire is ballet skirts, leg warmers, and wrap sweaters.
Either leather or canvas ballet shoes are fine.
Please feel free to ask Mrs. Amy for help on how to make a bun if you need it.
For Hip Hop:
Wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Please No jeans!
For Contemporary:
Wear contemporary shoes and for girls convertible tights. Dancers in intermediate and advanced classes need knee pads to protect their knees.
For Broadway/Jazz:
Wear tights for girls and jazz shoes.
For Tap:
For girls Wear either black tights or pink ballet tights and tap shoes for all students.
For All Dancers:
Use bathroom prior to class.
Be on time.
Do not have frequent class absences.
No cell phone usage during class time.
No gum is allowed in class.
Be respectful and kind to instructor, peers and staff.
Do not talk during class unless you have a question to ask.
Practice safe behaviors for yourself and your classmates.
Be willing to try new dance material. Put positive energy into your dance class.
No leaning, lounging or hanging on the ballet barres. No sitting in class unless you are told you can.
No touching the mirrors.
If late, ask permission to join class.
If injured, tell instructor prior to class…work slowly and carefully or observe depending on what the instructor thinks is best.
If ill, do not come to class.
If you must leave early, notify instructor prior to class.
When leaving the studio, students must remove dance shoes and cover-up their dance clothes or change prior to leaving. Do not go outside during cooler weather without a warm up. It is important to control the cooling process to avoid injury.
We believe that good dance etiquette is of equal importance to good dance technique.
Studio Rules for Dancers:
No running, yelling or rough playing at the dance studio.
Help keep your studio clean and tidy. Please throw away all trash.
Keep all of your belongings together and in a cubby. Floor space or chairs are not appropriate places for them.
No gossip, obscene language or inappropriate conversations are tolerated during class or around the studio.
Friends and family are welcome to observe class.
No gum, food, or drink of any kind (except water) is allowed inside the dance space.
For Age 13 and Up and under 21:
The use of alcohol and/or drugs is strictly forbidden at Rise Performing Arts Center.
As an older dancer and role model, inappropriate conversations or negative discussions are not allowed in front of younger dancers.
It is the dancer’s responsibility to manage their time so that dance, schoolwork and other outside activities do not conflict.
Your registration serves as your agreement to these rules